Sacred Territory Journey

Online - Four Months of Menstrual Cycle Tracking 

Fertility Awareness - Shamanic Womancraft - Womb Yoga


- Develop your own Menstrual Cycle Tracking Practice -

- Reconnect to the Wisdom of your Natural Self - 

- Embody the Science of Fertility Awareness - 

- & the Spirit of Shamanic Womancraft - 

This program includes:

  • The Sacred Territory Diary
  • Eight fortnightly live online gatherings (over four months)
  • One private session with Britt
  • An online portal with videos and resources
  • 5 months access to the online portal
  • Sacred Territory Anointing oil
  • Sacred Territory Thermometer 
  • Community of sisters
  • Accountability 

The Sacred Territory Diary

You will receive a physical copy of the Sacred Territory Diary direct to your door step! This diary has been specially designed for the four month program, containing charting and journalling pages, information and instruction as well as beautiful illustrations. My hope is that, it will not only be your daily workbook, but will become a sacred tool, a trusted friend and ally. As you journal and chart you will uncover new understandings about yourself and have a beautiful place to record your findings. 

Fortnightly online gatherings

The fortnightly gatherings will encompass four key components; lessons in Fertility Awareness and the spiritual practice of menstruation as well as womb yoga, ritual practices and sharing circles. The lessons will teach you the ‘how to’s’ of menstrual cycle tracking so that you can go away feeling confident to use the Sacred Territory Diary and put what you have learnt into practice. The sharing circles are an integral part of the program because they give you the opportunity to share your insights and learnings from the previous two weeks and gain wisdom from your sisters’ insights as well! The womb yoga practices will guide you into the present moment and will teach you how to honour your cycle and your yoni. The ritual practices will cultivate spaciousness and allow for the arising of your inner knowing.

Online Portal

The online portal is a virtual space containing videos and resources to watch in-between our live gatherings. This content is designed to support your learning and leave you feeling in awe at the wonder of the female reproductive system.

+ Develop an easeful relationship with your menstrual cycle
+ Feel deeply connected to your womb 
+ Receive a toolkit of practices to support you throughout your menstrual month
+ Cultivate peace and vitality
+ Identify ovulation and predict menstruation
+ And so much more!
"My last period was honestly the best experience I have had. It felt so intentional and ritualistic and I have felt so connected and present as a result through this cycle. Thankyou!!"



Delivered direct to your doorstep! (Valued at $92)

  1. Sacred Territory Diary
  2. Basal Body Thermometer
  3. Anointing Oil

Chart for Body Literacy and Journal for Cycle Awareness!


What Does it Mean to 'Chart for Body Literacy'?

Body Literacy is self knowledge of the physical signs and symptoms of the menstrual cycle. It is about listening to and learning the body's natural rhythms,  changes and signals. In this context, to 'chart for body literacy' means, using the charts within the Sacred Territory Diary to track your cervical mucus, your temperature and your secondary signs of fertility. It is possible to chart for contraception and for conception however this program specifically teaches Natural Fertility Education to chart for body literacy.


What does it mean to 'Journal for Cycle Awareness'?

Cycle Awareness is similar to body literacy because it is all about self knowledge. In this context, to 'journal for cycle awareness' means to use the journal pages of the Sacred Territory Diary to ponder and reflect on your mental, emotional and spiritual worlds and how they connect with your physical experience to progress in self knowing.  

Hi, I'm Britt,

I will be your guide on this journey of self discovery!

I must admit, I am a little diary and cycle enthusiastic! I have been diary writing since the age of seven and tracking my menstrual cycle for the last 10 years. For eight of those years I have been using my own home-designed diary. As you can see, I have made many iterations!

My formal training has been with fertility specialists, world renowned menstrual educators and brilliant yoga teachers.

As a Natural Fertility Educator and Menstrual Educator I can bring you clear and concise, up-to-date information. As a Shamanic Womancrafter and Womb Yoga Teacher I can provide nourishing practices and hold space for depth and the Sacred.

I am here to share my passion and knowledge with you!

What’s Included in the Program?

  • Eight fortnightly gatherings, 2.5hrs in length
  • Private Consultation with Britt
  • Sacred Territory Diary for tracking your daily and nightly observations - delivered to your door step! 
  • An online portal with weekly video classes to watch in-between gatherings
  • 5 months access to the online portal
  • What’sApp group for support in between gatherings
  • A buddy system to keep you enthusiastic and accountable
  • Basal Body Thermometer for tracking your basal body temperature - delivered to your door step! 
  • Anointing oil for connection through self touch - delivered to your door step! 
  • Community of sisters

What topics will be covered?

  • Natural Fertility Education – Mucus Method
  • Natural Fertility Education – Temperature Method
  • How to chart your cycle
  • Physiology of the cycle
  • Anatomy
  • Pleasure
  • History of Fertility Awareness
  • How to journal across your cycle
  • The energetics of the cycle
  • Stress and Fertility
  • Womb Yoga Practices for each week of the cycle
  • Self-care for each week of the cycle
  • Rituals for each week of the cycle
  • Lifestyle medicine
  • Ayurvedic teachings for menstrual cycle well being
  • Remember your rite of passage of Menarche and reprogram the message you received 

"Is this program for me?"

This program is for you if you resonate with any of the following:

  • You would like to develop and stick to new healthy habits that support your menstrual cycle health
  • You would like to start (or continue) your healing journey and bring harmony to your female lineage
  • You would like learn all the things that weren't taught to you so you can hand them down to your daughters and sons
  • You would like to learn supportive practices for each week of the menstrual cycle
  • You would like to bring more harmony to your experience of being a woman
  • You would like to demystify your cervical secretions and timing of ovulation
  • You have a strained relationship with your womb space and would like to come into easeful relationship with her.
  • You would like to discontinue the stories of menstrual cycle ignorance and shame
  • You want to consolidate all the random information you have read over the years into a cohesive whole.
  • You are inspired by beauty and would like to bring more ritual into your life.
  • You would like to understand your cycle to prepare for pregnancy
  • You would like to understand your cycle to prepare to learn NFE for contraception
  • You are in peri-menopause and never had the chance to connect with your womb space and would love to do it now
  • You are in peri-menopause and you would like to understand if you are ovulating or not
  • You have experienced sexual trauma and would like a gentle way to reconnect with your womb space
  • You feel shame when thinking about or talking about your genitals or sexuality and would like a safe space to transform these feelings.

Course Content


Sacred Territory Journey is designed so that, by the end of the program, you can walk away with a solid Menstrual Cycle Tracking Practice that you can call on for years to come. The key concepts will be introduced over a four month period, ensuring that you not only understand the teachings but that you also embody them.

The first two months will be solely dedicated to Fertility Awareness (the science of the cycle) which includes learning the Mucus Method and the Temperature Method. The last two months will add on the practices of Shamanic Womancraft (the spirit of the cycle), including journaling and rituals. 


Week 1: Mucus Method (Fertility Awareness)

Week 2: Womb Yoga + Check in

Week 3: Mucus Method (Fertility Awareness)

Week 4: Womb Yoga + Check in

Week 5: Mucus Method + Temperature Method (Fertility Awareness)

Week 6: Womb Yoga + Check in

Week 7: Mucus Method + Temperature Method (Fertility Awareness)

Week 8: Womb Yoga + Check in

Week 9: Mucus Method + Temperature Method + Journaling and Rituals (F.A & Shamanic Womancraft)

Week 10: Womb Yoga + Check in

Week 11: Mucus Method + Temperature Method + Journaling and Rituals (F.A & Shamanic Womancraft)

Week 13: Womb Yoga + Check in

Week 14: Mucus Method + Temperature Method + Journaling and Rituals (F.A & Shamanic Womancraft)

Week 15: Womb Yoga + Check in

Week 16: Mucus Method + Temperature Method + Journaling and Rituals (F.A & Shamanic Womancraft)


  • Homework weeks 1-2: Charting Cervical Mucus + Womb Yoga
  • Homework weeks 3-4: Charting Cervical Mucus + Womb Yoga
  • Homework weeks 5-6: Charting Cervical Mucus,  Basal Body Temperature (BBT) + Womb Yoga
  • Homework weeks 7-8: Charting Cervical Mucus,  Basal Body Temperature (BBT) + Womb Yoga
  • Homework weeks 9-10: Charting Cervical Mucus,  BBT, Journaling and Rituals + Womb Yoga
  • Homework weeks 11-12: Charting Cervical Mucus,  BBT, Journaling and Rituals + Womb Yoga
  • Homework weeks 13-14: Charting Cervical Mucus,  BBT, Journaling and Rituals + Womb Yoga
  • Homework weeks 15-16: Charting Cervical Mucus,  BBT, Journaling and Rituals + Womb Yoga


How much time to give the homework?
  • Charting practice - about 5-10 minutes / day
  • Womb Yoga - once class per week
  • Journaling and Rituals - about 1-3 times per week 
  • Online portal videos - 1 per fortnight

Sacred Territory Journey exists to empower you to learn the language of your body and develop body literacy. The program is spacious so you can not only understand but embody the teachings. 


Payment Plan 1


Early Bird Eight Month Plan

$80 / month

Coming soon

Payment Plan 2


Early Bird Four Month Plan

$160 / month

Coming soon

Pay in Full


Early Bird One Time Payment


Coming soon

Next Sacred Territory Journey coming soon... 

A sneak peak inside the Sacred Territory Diary
"The sacred journey taught me the power of deep reflection, to listen to my body and trust what I heard. It’s wild to think that I’m in my 40s and had never known how to read my inner compass - my menstrual cycle - nor honour my womb. Even after it grew 2 healthy children and cradled 2 unborn babies. In a world that moves at a rapid pace, one I struggle to maintain, especially with a neurodivergent brain, Britt offers effortless spaciousness, a deliciously slow experience that truely focuses on mastering each moment before moving forward. It was a luxury and meant perseverance had time to play when constancy was difficult. I’m still learning and at the same time, I feel like I know how to listen to my body and trust what it needs. It is empowering. I now can break the negative cycle I found myself in (through no fault of anyone) and teach my daughter about her body and cycle and how to honour it."



Payment Plan 1


Early Bird Eight Month Plan

$80 / month

Coming soon

Payment Plan 2


Early Bird Four Month Plan

$160 / month

Coming soon

Pay in Full


Early Bird One Time Payment


Coming soon

Early Bird Price available!

"The Sacred Territory Journey is a program that helped me reconnect with my natural cycle and menstrual wisdom. Growing up with very little awareness of my menstrual cycle, I carried this disconnect into many areas of my life - affecting my relationship with myself, my interactions with others, and how I navigated work, health, and commitments. This disconnect often manifested in over-giving, over-working, burning out, and struggling with my energy and health, all while feeling misunderstood and out of sync. What I didn’t realise was that ignoring my menstrual cycle was keeping me from experiencing some incredible gifts.

Now, as an adult who has started considering the future realities of pregnancy and menopause, I began to recognise how deeply integral the menstrual cycle is to a woman’s life. Something within me called me to finally face this part of myself. Although I felt nervous, I knew it was time. What followed was one of the most loving and transformative experiences in my journey toward self-love and self-respect.

Even though I struggled for years with intense period pain and PMS symptoms, I was amazed to discover how regular my cycle truly was and how closely my emotions and energy fluctuated with it. Brittney showed me to approach these fluctuations with more self-compassion and to honor the natural rhythm of my body. I learned practical self-care techniques for each phase of my cycle, embraced the power of rest, and began to understand how my hormonal fluctuations were reflected in my inner world - a process that is completely natural and supports my overall evolution.

Through the course, I gained a deeper understanding of the science and energetics of my body’s processes, as well as the spiritual implications of each cycle. I also discovered additional resources to help improve my menstrual health. One of the highlights of the program was being part of a supportive circle of women - sharing, listening, and learning from each other. I especially appreciated Brittney’s gentle and non-pressuring approach, which always felt encouraging and compassionate as I deepened my connection with myself.

Brittney embodied what it means to embrace feminine energy, and through her guidance, I’ve learned how to bring more of that into my own life. Since completing the program, I’ve noticed a positive shift in my relationships as I honor my feminine energy more fully. I’m stronger at setting boundaries, asking for what I need, asserting when I need solitude, and confidently stepping into spaces where I want to be seen.

I wholeheartedly recommend this program to any woman looking to deepen her connection with herself, cultivate greater self-love, and better understand her body’s needs. The Sacred Territory Journey is truly transformative."
